Faster seams
Most of our patterns are made for woven fabric.  When you sew in woven fabric then overlock or zigzag the edges first on all parts.  Then you sew the parts together with a straight seam in order to get as good seams a possible.  Speaking for myself I tend to be a bit lazy and sometimes sew the garments using the overlock.  The result does not look as good but sometimes it feels like just a minor detail that does not catch most peoples eyes. 

Using jersey when the pattern is made for woven fabric
Most of our patterns are made for woven fabric.  However, you can still use jersey but keep in mind that the possibility for movements in the fabric is calculated a bit higher than if the pattern was made for a stretchy fabric.  Due to this, always measure the parts and possible deduct a size here and there if you are looking for a tighter fit in a stretchy fabric.